Next Meeting is on Thursday,
May 11th,
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
Contra Costa Water District Building Board Room
1331 Concord Ave. Concord, CA |
Chris Mende:
Paphs 101

your your paphs which refuse to bloom, those which will not
grow bigger. Bring your dry brittle plants and those with
mushy leaves:
The Paph Doctor
is In
Our speaker this month
is Chris Mende. She will discuss Paphiopedilum culture and all of
the qualities that make these orchids so endearing. Hairy, chaggy
roots? Missing velamen? Prone to bacterial rot? Chris will fill us
in on Paph culture guidelines. This
program will involve your plants! Bring a paph or phrag that needs
attention. The worse they look the better! We will discuss them
and work on them. Chris will make sure you go home with a happier
plant and a useful diagnostic information.
Mende started "The Tiny Jungle", a small nursery in Daly
City, soon after retirement. She now has 5000sq-ft of orchids and
species begonias. Part of the greenhouse complex is run
intermediate/warm and the other is intermediate/cool,
accommodating a wide range of plants. She and her business partner
Tony Wells sell plants both directly and on eBay under the name
"Let's Talk Plants."
Chris 's first favorite genus was Paphiopedilum, but now admits to
also loving Phragmipedium, Dendrobium, Coelogyne, Masdevallia and
many other orchids
Table will be provided by Chris Mende
with the Speaker at 5:30 pm is at Sichuan Fortune
House, 41 Woodsworth Ln, Pleasant Hill , CA
Everyone is
welcome to attend and meet our speaker. Please notify
Eileen Jackson at 707.853.39.63 and leave a message.
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and someone will contact you and invite you to the
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