March 2016 
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Next Meeting is on Thursday, March 17th, 7:30pm -10:00pm

Pleasant Hill Community Center, 320 Civic Drive 
McHale Room

Chris Mende will speak on Phragmipediums

Chris Mende has been an ardent plant person since early childhood. She has an orchid nursery in Daily City, California that now includes a large warm house and a smaller cool house.  Her speciality is slipper orchids, and she grows a wide range of both Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums.

Some of her best Phrags are given spa treatment in a hydroponic tray with a reservoir circulating nutrients in their root zone twice a day during the active growing season.

Chris will share her growing tips and help to untangle the mysteries of Phrag growing.

Plant Table will be provided by Chris Mende.

Speaker’s Dinner before the meeting is at 5:30 pm at China Lounge (Sichuan Fortune House), 41 Woodsworth Lane, Pleasant Hill. 

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker. Please notify Eileen Jackson by March 16th for a reservation.




DVOS did itself proud at the Pacific Orchid Exhibition last month. We had a beautiful exhibit and won many ribbons and even several rosettes. 
We are a society of good, solid growers.  POE is a platform where we can see ourselves at our best.  Our upcoming DVOS show and sale in October will be another such opportunity.  It's a great way to celebrate the progress we are all making as growers.

Last update 08/30/17 Webmaster, Ulrike Ahlborn  
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