Next Meeting is on Thursday,
October 9th, 7:30
pm - 10:00 pm
Contra Costa Water District Building Board Room
1331 Concord Ave. Concord, CA
Show & Tell with Cultural Tips and Problem Solving with
Emphasis on Dendrobiums, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya and Oncidiums Members
will share their best practices, cultural tips and solutions to
problems. If you have a successful specimen, bring it and
tell us how you do it.
Grab Bag Plant Table
Our Opportunity Table will be
the always popular Grab Bag event. Tickets will be offered at
$12. When your ticket is called, you will have tho
opportunity to choose a plant from the table Every ticket is
guaranteed to result in the holder getting a plant.
There will be Dendrobiums, Phalaenopsis, Cattleyas and
NO Speaker’s
Dinner before the meeting. |

Jazz & Wine Festival
4-5 in Downtown Pleasant Hill on Crescent Drive
Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm
year we will have our annual Show & Sale at the Art,
Jazz & Wine Festival in Pleasant Hill.
is our best shot at recruiting new members. We will have
a display, some plants for sale and a membership drive
which includes the ever popular
"free orchid".
DVOS members travelled to Johannesburg, South Africa, to
attend the World Orchid Conference 21, September 4-10 |