Next Meeting is on Thursday, April 11th,
pm - 10:00 pm
Contra Costa Water District Building Board Room
1331 Concord Ave. Concord, CA
Jacob Knecht
Talks about Favorite Orchids and Growing under Lights
Jacob Uluwehi Knecht has been mesmerized by plants for as long as he can remember and his passion for orchids
species began at age 11. He has worked in landscape architecture,
wholesale and retail nursery operations and is now pursuing his
dream of studying botany and growing the plants he loves most.
He has grown orchids in Hawaii, southern California and for the past
three years, in Berkeley, California. His collection is focused on his
favourite group of orchids, the angraecoids, as well as colourful
Dendrobium and other vandaceous species all grown between four
different growing environments.
April’s plant table will be a “Grab Bag” drawing. Each ticket will cost $10 - $12.
You are guaranteed to win a plant
before our next meeting at 5:30 pm
at the Sichuan Fortune
House, 41 Woodsworth Lane, Pleasant Hill. Everyone
is welcome to attend and meet our speaker before the meeting.
If you can join us, please
call Eileen Jackson at (707) 642-5915 to be included in the
C. Circle of Life AM/AOS
Rth. David Tomassini
Ctt. Gregory Tyrome
Darden AM/AOS
our Zazzle Store at
