Carol Klonowski has been growing
orchids since the 1980’s when a friend in Berkeley gave
her a cattlea and it bloomed out with three
big, dark lavender flowers with an intoxicating fragrance.
She built an entire greenhouse in her backyard to accommodate
the precious plant, which only led her
to buy more orchids. Then another friend gave her a gift
membership to the Orchid Society of
California in the early 1990’s and it’s been a serious hobby
and passion ever since. She can recall
going to monthly meetings where orchid legends such as
the late Frank Fordyce would be available to answer the many
questions an eager hobbyist could ask.
Her talk on White Complex Paphiopedilums stems from a
fascination with the breeding effort
that produces these elegant, large, long-lasting blooms on
plants that carry the genetic material
of up to seven species of paphs. She will discuss the history of
complex paphs in general, then focus on the
effort to create bigger and better white complexes for the past
several decades, and the reasons why white complex paphs should
be a part of every orchid lover’s
collection. Carol has served as Director, Vice President,
President and Past President of the
Orchid Society of California for most of the past decade, and
currently is an accredited judge,
Probationary, with the American Orchid
Society, California Sierra Nevada
Judging Center.
Speaker’s Dinner will be at 5:30 at the Sichuan Fortune
House, 41 Woodsworth Ln in Pleasant Hill. Everyone is welcome
to attend and meet our speaker before the meeting. If you can
join us, please call George McRae at (510) 233-7374 to be
included in the reservation.
table will be a grab bag provided by Exotic Orchids of Mauia