Next Meeting: Thursday, May 12th, 7:30pm
- 10:00pm
Contra Costa Water District Building Board Room
1331 Concord Ave. Concord, CA
Growing Phalaenopsis presented by
Helen & Maynard Michel
We are pleased this month to have as our speakers, Helen & Maynard Michel. They are the former proprietors of the prestigious Phalaenopsis House, Orchids
Orinda, which was part of the Orchid Ranch complex in Livermore, California. They are both long standing members of the Orchid Society of California and are
accredited A.O.S. judges of the Pacific Central Judging Center, with Helen Michel as Chairperson.
Both Maynard and Helen worked at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory as nuclear chemists and their work was instrumental in showing that the extinction of the dinosaurs was due to an asteroid impact 63 million years ago.
Speaker’s Dinner will be at 5:30 at the Sichuan Fortune House, 41 Woodsworth
Ln. in Pleasant Hill.
Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speakers before the meeting. Call
George McRae at
(510) 233-7374 if you can join us, so that you can be included in the reservation.
Plant Table
will be our annual Grab Bag provided by the DVOS board. $10
per ticket. You are guaranteed to win a quality,
blooming size orchid. This is always a popular plant
table, so get to the meeting early to purchase your

Lc. Lake Tahoe v. coerulea 'High
Owner Ted McClellan

Blc. Sun Coast Sunspots
Owner George McRae

Chiloschista viridiflava
Owner Liz Carlton