Next Meeting: Thursday, February 10th, 7:30pm
- 10:00pm
Contra Costa Water District Building Board Room
1331 Concord Blvd. Concord, CA
Mount-up (The
Science and Art of Mounting Orchids)
presented by
Liz Charlton
Are you awash in mushy roots? Do you have a collection of miniature
orchids that started life as standards? Don’t give up. Give in. Surrender to your orchids; put them where they long to be … mounted on a shapely piece of fruit wood, treefern, grapewood
or cork.
Liz will demonstrate how to mount orchids on a variety of materials and give hard-won advice
on their care.
Liz discovered orchids back in 2006 at the DVOS Show and Sale. Persuaded by the Show
membership deal, ’14 months for the price of 12, a Bargain!’, she and Jamie joined on the spot.
Fast forward to 2011. They have an over-capacity greehouse, an eBay-based business, Orchid Gulch, serve on the DVOS Board and Liz is a Student Judge
with CSNJC. Whew! Today, their orchids are no longer committing suicide as
they are slowly, but surely moving to mounts.

Slc. Circle of Life
Owner Ted McClellan
Plant Table
will be provided by Orchid Gulch.
Speaker's Dinner
will be at 5:30 pm at Sichuan Fortune House, 41 Woodsworth Ln.
Pleasant Hill
Everyone is welcome to attend and meet the speaker before the
meeting. If you plan to attend,
please notify Liz Charlton at
(925) 280-1671 or email dvosnews@gmail.com
to be included in the reservation.
Vanda Robert's Delight 'Black'
Owner Lindon Horn
Slc. Hazel Boyd
Ted McClellan
Paph. Valerie
Owner Tom Pickford