November  2010  
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 Note change of STARTING DAY & TIME for the November meeting: Wednesday 10 th November  7:00pm

"Hard(er) to Kill Orchids - The non-Rhyncholaelia Brassavolas"
                                           by Kathy Barrett

Welcome new Diablo View members! Welcome to a hobby we hope will ensnare you. There truly is a World of Orchids for you to investigate. Yes, the title of this month's talk sounds daunting but really its not. We'll present a brief introduction to orchids, recommend a few good books, and then discuss orchids that can grow both indoors and outdoors with a minimum amount of care: the Brassavolas!

This month's talk centers around Brassavola nodosa and its hybrids. These are rewarding orchids that don't require a greenhouse much less a green thumb. While they do like bright light they aren't picky like other 'hothouse' flowers. And they have the cutest spots! What's not to like? One of these will capture your heart the same way they have ours. This talk should introduce everyone to a type of orchid that is readily available at most orchid nurseries and shows. With show season just beginning you'll have several opportunities to search for them. (The hunt is half the fun!)

Kathy Barrett has been growing orchids for 15 years. Her first orchid, a Phalaenopsis, was purchased from 'Orchard' in Lafayette. Like potato chips, one orchid led to another, and another until her collection now exceeds 700 plants in 24 genera in 6 alliances - Actually, she stopped counting at 700.... if there are more than that in the greenhouse she doesn't want to know about it, LOL! Ignorance is bliss.

Plant table  will be provided by Gold Country Orchids of Lincoln Ca. We will be touring their greenhouses on 11/20, so club members will have ample opportunity to see the widest variety in orchids. It'll boggle your mind.

There will be no Speaker’s Dinner  


Last update 08/30/17 Webmaster, UlrikeAhlborn  
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