Next Meeting: Thursday 11th March 7:30pm
of Borneo" by Mary Gerritsen, Ph.D
Mary recently returned from a nearly month-long visit to Borneo, with the primary
objective of seeing the orchids and carnivorous plants in their native habitat. Her
presentation will cover a little about the geography and geology of Borneo, more about
orchid habitats, and lots of photos from her treks to Mt.
Kinabalu, Long Pasia, Mulu National Park, the caves of Sarawak, and Bako National Park.
Mary Gerritsen, Ph.D. is a scientist by day (working on new drugs to cure cancer) and an Orchid nut the rest
of the time. She has been growing orchids on and off for more than 30 years, and since relocating to the Bay
area in 1997 has really taken a liking to small cool growing miniature species such as
Masdevallias, Porroglossums, Lepanthes and other assorted tiny gems. But she also has a second intermediate
greenhouse, filled with larger species such as Angraecoids, Cymbidiums, Dendrobiums, Oncidiums,
Laelias, Cattleyas and Bulbophyllums. She loves to see orchids growing in situ, and has made it her mission over the
last few years to see as many as possible, with trips to see and photograph orchids (and other flora as well)
in Canada, various states in the USA, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica, Panama, China, Germany,
Australia and most recently, Borneo. She is the co-author of two botanical books: Masdevallias, Gems of the
Orchid World, and Calochortus, Mariposa Lilies and their Relatives, with fellow San Francisco Orchid Society
Member and well known photographer, Ron Parsons. In addition to being a member of the SFOS, Mary has
served as the vice president and president of the Peninsula Orchid Society (San Mateo).
Speaker’s Dinner will be at Sichuan Fortune House, 41 Woodsworth Ln (off Gregory at
Contra Costa Blvd.)
at 5:30. Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker. If you
plan to attend, please notify Liz Charlton
(925) 280-1671 or email dvosnews@gmail.com
Plant table will be another amazing
assortment from Exotic Orchids of Maui. http://www.mauiorchids.com
Regular raffle: six tickets for $5
Special Raffle drawing for a unique plant will be drawn
from paid-up members at the March meeting
of the Month
Gems of the Orchid World by Mary E. Gerritsen and Ron
Parsons |
