Do you ever look at photos of plants in Orchid Digest or Orchids magazine and wonder what you could
do to make your plants look like that? The first part of the equation is great culture. The second part is well
presented flowers and super clean plants. Throughout the year our speakers talk about best cultural practices.
This evening will focus on how to clean up and present your plant.
If you've heard all these techniques before, but were intimidated by the thought of trying them on your
own, then you're going to love this meeting. It won't be a matter of just sitting and absorbing a bunch of
information. It’s going to be hands on. Everyone will leave with increased confidence that they can take their
blooming orchids from good to great. This is a definitely a meeting to
invite guests.
Kathy Barrett is an AOS judge who has spent many years looking at plants that are brought in for judging at
shows throughout California and monthly at the California Sierra Nevada Judging Center in Sacramento. She
brings a wealth of knowledge about how to give a plant the proper preparation prior to entering it for ribbon
judging at a show or for the real deal, AOS judging.
Kathy will show everyone proper technique and then members will work on their own plants with help from
Kathy and other advanced growers in the society. Please bring one or two bug-free and scale-free plants that
should be at their peak in a couple weeks for the POE. If you've already staked the inflorescence, wonderful. If
not, no worries, there will be staking material on hand. DVOS will also provide everything needed for trimming
and cleaning up leaves.