Speaker’s Dinner will be at 5:30
at Cafe Milano, 716 Contra Costa Blvd. Pleasant Hill. Everyone
is welcome to attend and meet our speakers. If
you plan to attend, please notify Liz Charlton at (925)
280-1671 or email dvosnews@gmail.com
so we
can include you in the reservation.
Special Raffle Table for February
who buys a $5 raffle ticket will be guaranteed to go home with a
quality plant from Exotic Orchids of Maui. Each member may buy
one ticket before the break. If there are tickets left over,
members may buy additional tickets after the break. Plants will
be inside paper sacks. Raffle table plants are a mix of Cattleya,
Dendrobium, Phaelenopsis, and Tolguezettia (O.K. maybe not that