Next Meeting: Thursday 9th February 7:30pm
Genus Dendrobium"
Presentation by Scott Dallas from White Oaks Orchids, Inc.
Oak Orchids, Inc. has been caring for orchids professionally
since the early 1980’s. Its services include orchid sales,
boarding, on site greenhouse, office and home maintenance and
consulting. White Oaks have 25, 000 square feet of growing
space devoted exclusively to orchids. The nursery moved to
extraordinary growing conditions in Pacifica in February 2004.
The newly refurbished high tech greenhouses offer a wide range
of growing conditions from Vandas to Cymbidiums. Scott and
Gwen successfully cultivate some 350 genera with countless
species and hybrids.
Scott Dallas has loved and grown orchids for 31
years. He fell into the early stages of the orchid collecting
bug with Cattleya species. Soon thereafter, Miltonias and
Paphiopedilums were added to the “must have” list. One
species led to another great hybrid and soon Scott found
himself in the business of growing orchids professionally. Scott has been President and has held many other offices for
the Peninsula Orchid Society in San Mateo.
Gwen Watson fell under the spell of a pink Cattleya as a
teenager visiting a conservatory for the first time. In
addition to a fascination with growing orchids, Gwen also has
created a large photography portfolio of orchids.
true farmers, Scott and Gwen practice not only agriculture but
husbandry as well. Gwen founded the Iambe Cattery several
years ago. Iambe specializes in the clowns of the cat world,
European Burmese. The kitten photo on the opening page of the
White Oak web site will provide more information.
Scott will
educate us on the Genus Dendrobium. This will be cultural and
questions & answer session ending with a quick slide
table will be provided by Scott Dallas. He will also bring
plants for sale.
host dinner with the speaker will be at 5:30 pm at the Black
Angus Steak House, 3195 N Main, Pleasant Hill.
Please contact Eileen Jackson if you would like to join us,
tel. 707-642-5915 or
It is helpful to know how many people are coming so the
first people there can ask for a table to accommodate
Program: ICU
During the
general meetings each month, we have a new program called
the ICU - Doctor on Duty. During the brake session (only
15 minutes) while most of you will be enjoying the
refreshments, one can bring in a plant to have it looked at by
the ICU Doctor on duty. Remember to place the plant you bring
in into a clear plastic container. Please do not bring
in more than one plant to each meeting.