Next Meeting:
Saturday September 9th at Noon
Annual BBQ and Auction
We will be having out annual BBQ and
orchid auction in place of our normal meeting. There will be a
special membership rate of only $15.00 for new members which will
include admission to the BBQ. Please bring plants and food see the
BBQ details. The auction will include a
special this year, a 1989 Plymouth Voyager mini-van which has been
donated to the society! Click here for
more details of the auction and the van.
August Meeting
Jim Hamilton of Petite Plaisance gave
a talk on "Easy to Grow Species" along with a great slide show
of unusual (to me at least) plants. Had it been me talking on the
plants that I find easy to grow, the talk and slide show
would have been only several minutes! Have a look at the Petit Plaisance web
site, as expected the plant table was wonderful.

Encyclia tripunctata from the plant table
Ulrike and I were
lucky enough to win the Encyclia from the raffle table with the ticket
we got for bringing plants for the display table. So it can be
well worth bringing display plants and refreshments! (We did buy some
tickets as well but without luck this month.)
A great display table as usual, below are this months
winners, but click here for some of other plants I captured.
Again, let
me know if you would like an email when I make the monthly updates,
send me an email at webmaster@diabloviewos.org. |