Sue will do a
short cultural presentation by transplanting a Sophrolaeliocattleya
(Slc.). Multitasking as always, while transplanting, she
will answer your questions on how to grow these precious
babies well. She will then treat you to a slide
presentation of the newest in Cattleya
trends and where Fordyce Orchids is focused as they forge
ahead with future generations of Catts.
Sue Fordyce
began her career in orchids literally at her father's knee
(pulling weeds under the benches). Frank Fordyce has a
career in orchids spanning over 60 years and is known
worldwide for his award winning hybrids and informative
lectures on Cattleyas. He has passed on this knowledge
and easy style of communication to Sue. After a few
years as a Psychiatric Nurse (which really prepared her for
the orchid world) she went on to become manager of Fordyce
Orchids, a post she has held for the past 18 years. Sue
also has traveled extensively throughout the United States and
Canada speaking on Orchid Culture and Cattleya Breeding.
Sue is a past President of DVOS and has been published in many
orchid publications and is known for her humorous orchid
New Monthly
Program: ICU
During the
general meetings each month, we will start a new program call
the ICU - Doctor on Duty. During the brake session (only
15 minutes) while most of you will be enjoying the
refreshments, one can bring in a plant to have it looked at by
the ICU Doctor on duty. Remember to place the plant you bring
in into a clear plastic container. Please do not bring
in more than one plant to each meeting.
The Diablo View Annual
Show and Sale
The Diablo
View Annual Show and Sale will be on held on October 22-23,