Like every genus in the Orchid
Family, there are warm, intermediate and cool growing
species. Dan Newman of Hanging Gardens will introduce
you to this wonderful and rewarding Pleurothallis Alliance of
the Orchid World.
In 1982, he bought his first
plant, a tiny Dendrobium phalaenopsis seedling hybrid, at the
Honolulu airport. Thriving in a west-facing bay window,
it bloomed a year or two later. Dan, with his new love
for orchids, began to acquire more seedlings or out-of-bloom
divisions, and read all the orchid books he could
He joining the American Orchid
Society and San Francisco Orchid Society in 1987. Dan
served as vice president of the SFOS in 1994 and president
from 1995 to mid-96. He is still a member of the AOS and
SFOS, Orchid Digest Corporation, Orchid Society of California,
Peninsula Orchid Society, Carmel Orchid Society, and the
Pleurothallid Alliance.
In 1996, he moved his 350
orchid collection from a one-bedroom apartment to a small
commercial greenhouse in San Francisco. Friend and
orchid mentor, Walter Teague, also brought in his amazing,
much larger collection of rare and unusual species acquired
from around the world. He then started the nursery,
Hanging Gardens and purchased Walter's collection a few years
later. Growing orchids fulltime since 2000 and moving
into a 3,600-sq. ft. greenhouse in Pacifica at the end of
2002, the collection expanded very quickly. In spring
1992, he had the opportunity to see a number of the blooming
native terrestrial species in Greece. First real orchid
trip was an expedition to Costa Rica and Belize led by Mort
Block in October that same year. In 1994, He went on
another of Mort's trips, this time to Ecuador. He
visited orchid habitats near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and
later near Machu Picchu in Peru.
Plant table provided by Hanging
Garden. Dan will also bring plants to sell.
New Monthly
Program: ICU
During the
general meetings each month, we will start a new program call
the ICU - Doctor on Duty. During the brake session (only
15 minutes) while most of you will be enjoying the
refreshments, one can bring in a plant to have it looked at by
the ICU Doctor on duty. Remember to place the plant you bring
in into a clear plastic container. Please do not bring
in more than one plant to each meeting.
The Diablo View Annual
Show and Sale
The Diablo
View Annual Show and Sale will be on held on October 22-23,
2005. Orchid
Displays, Orchid Sales & Raffles, Plant Doctor,
Potting & Culture Demonstrations. Click
here to get the fliers, please print and