November  2004
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Next Meeting: Thursday 11th November 7:30pm
Meeting Will be Held at the Bridge Center
Glen Decker "Hunting for Phragmipedium kovachii"
Note change of venue for November Meeting.  (Map at the bottom of the page).

Bridge Center
2219 Morello Ave
Pleasant Hill, Ca. 94523

Glen Decker of Piping Rock Orchids in Galway, New York.

Hunting for Phragmipedium kovachii

In 2004 Glen Decker and a few other hardy souls trekked through the Peruvian jungles searching for the controversial and elusive Phrag. kovachii. Come hear whether or not they found it and what happened once they did. It'll illuminate you as to the state of conservation and economics in the world today.

Glen Decker began growing orchids at the age of 15. Decker holds the degree of Associate in Applied Science in Ornamental Horticulture. He is presently the owner of Piping Rock Orchids, chairman of the American Orchid Society's Publications Committee, and contributes his time to the NYIOS booklet publication. He has also contributed a chapter on slipper orchids in the New York Botanical Garden's publication "The Best Orchids for Indoors". Decker has won numerous AOS awards for his plants as well as the W.W. Wilson Award, the Nax Trophy and the Butterworth Prize.

Raffle Table plants will be from Paphanatics, Ltd.



DVOS Show and Sale

I'll put up the pictures and results later, thanks to all who participated!

Help Wanted
Vice President

Presently the DVOS is in need of a person or
group of people to act as club Vice President: duties are to arrange speakers and raffle tables for next year, 2005.  Without speakers there will be no activity at club meetings except the Show and Tell Table and refreshments.  There will be no Raffle Table.

At President Dennis Olivas’ request outgoing VP Kathy Barrett arranged 5 speakers and 2 raffle tables for next year.  It will fall to someone else to keep in contact with these speakers, confirming their commitment, getting plants for a raffle table and taking the speaker to Dinner.  Feel free to cancel these speakers if you want.  Actually if no one wants to take on the responsibility of taking the speaker to dinner that social nicety can be dropped.  Other societies don’t take the speaker to dinner, so why should we? [shrug]

You can find speakers by asking Dennis Olivas, Francisco Baptista or Rob Terry who they have liked to hear in the past, calling that person up, and seeing if they can talk. Additionally there is a group of VPs that stay in contact by email.  You can find out who they have booked and call their speakers up to see if they want to come to talk to the DVOS too.

You have to attend Board meetings the 3rd Thursday of the month.

You have to arrange Raffle Table Plants. Usually the speaker provides the raffle table plants but in cases where they can’t you only have to ask Dennis, Fordyce or Fred and Francisco who you may be able to get plants from.  You usually get this info at the Board meeting.

You have to tell the newsletter editor and the webmaster who the speaker is in time for them to put it in the newsletter, etc.  Speakers usually provide the biography that appears in the newsletter.

Kathy will provide you with correspondence and contact numbers for the speakers she has arranged to date.

Yes.  We are in dire need.

Websites of the Month
This site includes the  International Orchid Register, good for research on species and crosses.

Last update 08/30/17 Webmaster, Nick Doe
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