June  2004
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Next Meeting: Thursday 10th June 7:30pm
Nick Burnett - Primary Slipper Hybrids
Nick Burnett is an accredited judge in the American Orchid Society and serves as the Training Coordinator for the Pacific Central Judging Center. He has grown orchids since 1989 and currently has a mixed collection of survivors that include primarily paphs, phrags, and bulbophyllums. If there is significant work to be done in his greenhouse he uses the excuse of "his other job"--he is the Vice Chair of the Communication Studies 
DVOS May Winners
Department at California State University, Sacramento where he teaches classes in Freedom of Speech, Political Communication, and Public Speaking for Business Students.

Nick examines why anyone would want to grow primary Paph hybrids (as opposed to the species themselves) and takes a look at some of the beautiful creations hybridizers have made. Additionally he'll delve into directions for future crosses. I've asked him to toss in some cultural info too, because we all need to know how not to kill these beauties!

Come and find out why we hybridize and what to look for in growing primary slipper hybrids.    - Kathy

Nick gave a very amusing talk 2 years ago on "7 Ways to Kill an Orchid", he's a really good speaker so I'm sure we'll have a good evening!

Websites of the Month

Vortex's Orchids

A great photo site from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Last update 08/30/17 Webmaster, Nick Doe webmaster@diabloviewos.org
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