February  2004
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Next Meeting: Thursday 12th Feb. 7:30pm
Rob Terry - 'Warmth Tolerant Miltoniopsis, Care and Culture'

The Pansy Orchid.

Usually people err by growing these too cool, which is good news for us out here on the western edge of the Great Sonoran Desert, aka the Great Central Valley of California.  Forget all that noise about us being part of the San Francisco Bay Area. Balderdash!  We have as much in common with their climate zones as fish do to bicycles.  These newer ‘warmth-tolerant’ Miltoniopsis are grown intermediate to the cooler side of intermediate, well within the range for many indoor growers here in Contra Costa County.

Rob Terry last spoke to Diablo View on his first love, Phragmipediums.  This time he’ll show a few slides for an idea on what to expect of the color range and shapes of any Miltoniopsis species commonly used in breeding and their hybrids.  Then he will give a cultural demonstration showing us how to repot these beauties.  Additionally, he will take us the further step and show ways to plant out of flask into seedling cubes, then cubes to common pot sizes.  He promises to divulge the secrets of transplanting techniques on how to get great specimen plants along with growing tips.  Perhaps some of you have seen how truly magnificent these can be when grown to specimen size.

December Winners

Rob will provide several warmth-tolerant plants for our raffle table. Please feel free to familiarize yourself with the web page so you can know what’s on the raffle table.  Many of these are from breeding done by the Hawaiian nursery of Ivan N. Komoda.  Komoda Orchids commonly sells plants by the compot, so Rob’s presentation will help you if you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at growing a smattering of them, ferreting out the special orchid flowers and choosing amongst them for your own collection. And pay for your habit by selling off the others! (That’s the idea anyway, but I can never part with any of the ones I own! LOL!!)

Rob Terry, an AOS judge, is the owner of Sherwood Orchids in Willits, California.   My secret source for paphs, phrags, and now Miltoniopsis.                       - Kathy

January Winners

Another senile Santa gift picture from our holiday party, check out the rest here.

I've updated the upcoming events, you can now see what Kathy has booked for us for the next few months and see the local (and not so local) orchid events.  Please email me with any additional events or changes (click on the "Contact Us" button on the left).

Websites of the Month
www.phals.net Kathy found this one: " It has pictures of phal species and their primary hybrids, showing each parent and the resultant cross."

Last update 08/30/17 Webmaster, Nick Doe webmaster@diabloviewos.org
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