Next Meeting:
Thurs. 12th June at 7:30pm
Koch/Gold Country Orchids
[Cue music: Frankie Lane: ‘Do Not Forsake Me,
Oh My Darlin’]
Two men face off in the heat of the noonday
sun. Fingers twitch by their holstered weapons, eyes
narrow against the sun’s glare. A lonely breeze
skutters a leaf across their path. Thin lips curl into a
cruel smile.
One shot rings out. One man falls, now a
heap in the dust. Dead. A woman wails in grief.
"You done it now, Stranger." A
voice calls out from an alleyway, where most of the townsfolk
cower. "That was ALAN
KOCH’s best potter.
You better shake the dust of Lincoln off yer boots quick as you
can, afore he finds out."
The stranger spins his pistol back into its
holster. Sneers. "Who is this ‘ALAN KOCH’?"
"He’s one mean mother [oops, sorry,
wrong movie]. He’s the head of GOLD
out here when this country was nothin’, built the finest
orchid spread north of Sutter’s Fort. And now you gone
and killed his best hand." [spits] "Gonna be
hell to pay for that one."
"That the same Alan Koch who used to run
with the Hetherington Clan, down in Southern California?
Grows them sissified mini catts, them Pink Dolls and Keepsakes,
them Tiny Titans and [sneers] Orpetti and Laelia hybrids?
Ha, that stuff even fits on windowsills and under lights.
Hear tell he runs a few head of Paphs and Phals on his ranch,
too. I can smell ‘em from here. Word has it he’s
fast on the draw where awards are concerned." [eyes
narrow] "But I’m faster."
A young woman’s voice gushingly calls out
"He’s big and tall. And strong! And he can kick
your butt." followed by her mother’s ‘Hush up, Sara
Lou! Get back to the ranch! Someone send for the

May Awards |
The stranger draws his weapon again.
"Hell, I know ’im. Send him out here and I’ll send him
to meet his Maker, too." He cackles in glee,
spinning the pistol on one finger.
"Mister, I don’t think you take my
point." A man peeks out from hiding, hat in
hand. "Now that you gone and kilt the best potter in
the county it means all the wimmen folk are gonna have to go
back to work pottin’ up orchids... They ain’t gonna
cotton to that notion." [The woman wails again.
"And I just had my nails done!"]
The stranger blanches as a crowd of 30-40 women
brandishing frying pans and rolling pins converge on him from
the alleyway. "There’s the pole cat! String him
up!" "I’ll teach you to take away my Saturday’s
off!" "Who’s gonna get the kids to soccer
practice now, you idiot?"
The stranger turns tail and runs off, his feet
raising little clouds of dust, into the setting sun. "That’ll
learn ’im!".
- Kathy Barrett
June Raffle Table
Gold Country Orchids.
Alan will deliver PRE-PAID
pre-orders to our society. BE SURE to tell him which society
you are with so he knows which one to bring your plants to.
Websites of the Month
Country Orchids |
Specializing in Award
Quality Miniature and Compact Cattleyas and Phalaenopsis
and our speaker this month. |
PhragWeb - A site dedicated
to Phagmipedium, Mexipedium and Selenipedium. Info
and pictures of species and hybrids with full breeding
details of most (all?) the phrag hybrids. |