Next Meeting: Thursday 13th June at 7:30pm
Matt Swift
"Equitant Oncidiums - The Jewels of
the Caribbean"
Oncidiums - The Jewels of the
Caribbean" will be presented by
Matthew Swift of Swift’s Orchids in
Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Rancho Cucamonga
is located 40 miles East of Los Angeles
and has quite a bit of coastal influence
in its weather. The climate is similar
to the Concord area. It is colder in
winter and warmer in summer, but it is
not in the desert.
Matt grew
up around orchids since his Dad began
growing them over 35 years ago.He has
always taken a liking to them although
his sister did not. His favorites are
cattleyas and equitant oncidiums; |

however, he has
recently begun collecting ultra-miniature
cymbidiums [A potential topic for a future
presentation? :o) ]. After he dropped out of
college with less than a year under his belt, he
worked for Mervyn’s Department Store for over
9 years. He then worked for Stewart’s Orchids
and after that at Santa Barbara Orchid Estate
from March 1998 to January 2000. Shortly
afterwards, he and his dad decided to open up
their own orchid retail store, which they did in
March 2000. In reality, they’ve actually been
in business for 20 years selling at most orchid
shows throughout Southern California; but
nothing like a full-time business. It was a
rough beginning but they’ve really improved
and hope to continue that way. Matt is past
President (1996-1998) of the Riverside-San
Bernardino Counties Orchid Society and will be
1st Vice President in a few months. He is
currently Membership Secretary of the Cymbidium
Society of America.Come join us and learn how
Matt successfully grows the delightful miniature
oncidiums known as equitants and tolumnias. The
raffle table will be provided by Swift’s
orchids. If you would like to place a preorder
with Matt, you can contact him at his web site: www.swiftsorchids.com
The July speaker program is still in the works
details to be announced.
Culture Session @
7 PM: Matt
Swift: "Repotting Equitants"
addition to our talks, slide shows and
culture sessions, there are other
benefits to coming to our
meetings. We typically have plants
for sale as shown in the upper left
picture, a raffle table, typically
provided by the speaker, this month it
was a table of Disas. And
finally I think we probably have the
best food of all the societies in the
area! |
Page of the Month
A hobbiest's site dedicated to
miltoniopsis this month, miltoniopsis.com,
good information and wonderful pictures.
forget to check out AOS
Awards page for our local