Meeting: Thursday March 8th 7:30
Heather Drobus "Culture of Cymbidiums"
Heather is considered one of the best
non-commercial growers of cymbidiums in the Bay Area. She
will talk about culture, fertilizer and how to protect your plants
from freezing. We'll also be getting a potting demonstration
and Heather will be supplying the raffle table. |
San Francisco Orchid Show News (No
3-peat for DVOS)
Well we didn't win first prize this year,
but we did take 2nd for 'Display by a Visiting Society' and first for
'Best Representation of Show Theme' and a lot of individual awards,
special congratulations to Linda Daraskavich, Bernice Lidner and Dick
Emory for their crystal vase awards. And well done Dave Tomassini
for his first AOS award! See the March newsletter
for other pictures a full report.
And finally a picture from Barbara from last month, Mt. Diablo in snow!
If any members would like their orchid
photos shown here (we can't always get good pictures at the meeting),
please send me an email.