January 2001

Diablo View Orchid Society

The Orchid Society for the East San Francisco Bay Area

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Next Meeting: Friday January 12th 7:30 Frank Fordyce

Unfortunately we couldn't get the Water District room for Thursday so we'll be meeting on Friday.  Frank will giving a new presentation and will be providing the raffle table - I don't know any more than that, but see you there!

I think everyone had a good time at our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange.  I was late as usual but there was plenty of great food left.

Thanks very much to the Fordyce's for organizing the fun and games and the special guest!

Click here for more pictures.


Our winning entry for "Best decorated display" came from Bill and Edie Morse (plants by Bill, basket by Edie).

And our special visitors!

If any members would like their orchid photos shown here (we can't always get good pictures at the meeting), please send me an email. 

  Last update 08/30/17 Webmaster, Nick Doe webmaster@diabloviewos.org
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