August  2004
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Next Meeting: Thursday 9th September 7:30pm
Talk is open right now, you'll know when I do.
Fall Orchid Festival Show and Sale
DVOS is holding a show and sale in October!  Click on the poster on the left for full details and a map.  This is a great opportunity to come see, learn about orchids.  And of course you can BUY orchids from some of our excellent local growers!

This was a great success last year so please join us on the 16th or 17th of October.

For more details or to get you own posters, click the image on the left.


The real winners from July, Ja-Rule Olivas & Ice KB aka Dennis and Kathy
July's Meeting on Bad Plants was a huge success!

No pictures of the winning plants for July, they were after all the "best" of the worst grown plants.  Marcia and Barry Hart took first place for a plant which was actually growing well according to our experts!  I was the proud "winner" of a  second place.  Beacon Lum took a prize for a pile of roots of indeterminate  genus (probably an orchid though) judged by our experts as "Maki Die Dead".  See the awards page for full details.

Member's Orchids
Bernice sent me these pictures of her Stanhopea tigrana superba, purchased in 7/93 and blooming for the first time!

If any other members want to post their pictures, please email me, I'll add them to the gallery on the next update (due soon!).

Websites of the Month
A new site for everything orchid related.  Everything from orchid links, an email newsletter, growing info, pests etc.

Last update 08/30/17 Webmaster, Nick Doe
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