The word "EASY" has the commonly accepted definition: "causing little or no difficulty". We often think of "EASY" also meaning "simple" or "uncomplicated". With respect to orchid culture and maintaining healthy and productive plants, the word "EASY" (used in phrases such as "this is an easy orchid to grow!") may be interpreted differently, such as: "easy for you, but not for me" or the ever popular: "easy to grow, yes, but even easier to kill"! It is probably very true that we have all experienced one of many similar interpretations of the word during our own orchid growing activities. It may also be very true that many of us remain baffled and are continuing to search for the true meaning of "easy to grow".

For the experienced as well as the novice, our August meeting will help to shed light on the word "EASY" and specifically with reference to growing species. Bringing to us several decades of expertise in growing and propagating species, Jim Hamilton and Ron Ehlers of Petite Plaisance, will share with us their experiences with "easy to grow orchid species". With an extremely broad selection of species available from their greenhouse, from A (Aerangis) to Z (Zygopetalum), it is evident that they have covered the world map in terms of dealing with wide cultural variations and degrees of difficulty in growing the numerous varieties of orchids they grow and sell. It is also evident that their reputation for well established plants (in pots, mounted, or in baskets) provides us at DVOS a level of expertise that is not only valuable but also very convenient to access. Petite Plaisance is located in Valley Ford, CA (about an hour drive north of the Golden Gate Bridge) and is open most days by appointment. For those of us who have not had an opportunity to peruse the offerings available from Petite Plaisance, Jim will not only provide plants for the Raffle Table but will also have plants available for sale at the meeting. (A word to the wise: if you are interested in obtaining quality, well established species that are not commonly available, be certain to come early and in advance of the meeting start time to take advantage of the sale offering!)

If your interest is in species or hybrids, plan to attend the August meeting and benefit from one of our local experts and join us all in learning more about "Easy to Grow Species".

Mark your calendar! Bring a friend! Thursday, August 10th 7:30 P.M.

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